Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Dance of Life...

Yikes...I didn't realize it had been another really long stretch since my last post!!  Daily life has certainly picked up the pace, and aside from late at night, I'm finding it difficult to sneak away to write as often.  Even though that's been a bit disappointing for me, it also means that I'm busy living life again!!

Since radiation began a couple of weeks ago, I've made HUGE progress in terms of my pain.  In fact, aside from some discomfort here and there, I'm virtually pain free!  It took a good 7-8 weeks post surgery to get there, but I'm so grateful to finally be feeling comfortable again.  It certainly gave me a new perspective for people that live with chronic pain :(

After 11 radiation treatments, I'm grateful to report that that phase of the journey is also going well!  These daily appointments do require me to drive to a location about 30 minutes away early in the morning.  However, I'm able to see the sun rise each day, I have about an hour of alone time in the car before my day gets crazy (my dad actually drove me today, which was great time to visit as well!), and I typically arrive back home just as the kids are finishing breakfast.  The radiation team is so kind, and I actually look forward to seeing the other patients that are also there each day receiving treatments.  My radiation oncologist will be administering 25 total treatments, so I'm almost halfway there!  From what I understand, fatigue tends to set in quite heavily as the treatments progress, so we'll see how that goes.  I have noticed that I've needed a nap in the afternoon for the past few days; but I'm still, overall, feeling pretty good!

Life has been moving back towards normalcy, yet as I've mentioned before, it really doesn't look the same.  There is a slower pace, even in the midst of our busy schedule.  School lessons, sports practices/games, appointments...those things are all occurring these days, yet my hands are so much more open to God's plans for us.  I find myself grasping less and less to my checklists and schedules.  The kids and I are spending LOTS of time reading together, baking yummy treats, and drinking apple cider.  We're trying to "rejoice" in the day that God has provided, and I'm so much more likely to do the things that I used to put off for another day.  All of us are learning that joy is a choice, and we are actually allowed to choose that, no matter how we may feel about things going on around us.

My sweet little Eli...he can be a cranky monster or the most precious thing you've ever seen (I've just described all 3 year olds :).  He's been so excited that mommy can hold him again and keeps asking me if I'm all better now.  I can't believe how much he's grown in the past year, and we have my mom and sister to thank for keeping him in line and helping to guide his little heart when I was too sick and weak to do so.

Oh, how much I love this amazing man!!  We had another date to the infusion center this week to get my Herceptin infusion.  As difficult as chemo was, this infusion is easy with little to no side effects!  It's been wonderful to have Bryan at so many of these appointments with me, and I'm certain these will be beautiful memories in our minds one day.

We were able to visit with one of Bryan's grandmas last Sunday.  Her health is declining, yet her 90- year old spirit is still so strong.  We are praying that God gives her many more precious days with her family.

My birthday was last week, and my amazing family made it so very special.  Bryan bought me 2 new outfits and arranged for a babysitter to come so that we could go out to dinner.  It was WONDERFUL!!  We also all went out to Red Robin as a family to celebrate.  Sweet, sweet times...

My dear friend, Emily, and I got our kids together as well for a little birthday lunch.  Everyone had a blast, even Eli (what's up with the sad lip??)!

One of our favorite fall outings is the Lebanon Apple Festival!!  The kids insist on their yearly caramel apples, and we always comply (despite the mess :).  Our family cannot get enough fall fun!!

Below are pictures of a fantastic event that I was invited to participate in a couple of weeks ago!  It's called Volley for the Cure, and it's an event to honor breast cancer survivors put on by the volleyball team at Lakota West High School (where Bryan taught for 10 years).  Our good friends have a daughter who plays on the freshman team at West; so we were able to see her play, as well as the JV and Varsity teams (which our volleyball loving daughter LOVED!).  It was a special night of celebration for all of these women who have fought and conquered this disease, as well as those of us still fighting!  Several of our family and friends also attended, and I was completely overwhelmed with emotion as I stood on that gym floor looking up at them.  It was such a memorable night...

This sweet woman has been in the chemo room with me several times, and I was so excited to see her there!  Friendships form so quickly when you're both fighting the same battle.

I'm so bummed, because there was one more picture that I wanted to include, and that's of on of our precious babysitters, Katie.  For some reason, I can't find the picture on my phone anymore!!  Katie has been an incredible light in our family over the past 8 months; and as she came and played with our kids today, I praised God that she's in our life.  This sweet girl is only 15 years old, yet she loves and serves with a maturity that I can only hope my children will possess one day.  She's given so unselfishly of her time, and she's been in our home during some of my most difficult days.  She texts me to let me know she's praying for me, she helps our kids with their schoolwork, she cleans up our home, and she's never asked for anything in return.  She has truly shared her love for Christ by serving us so well, and we are so grateful for her!!

1 comment:

  1. We praise God with you and your family as your journey comes around the corner! Our prayers are a joy for all of you and your gift of sharing through writing blesses us immensely. Happy October along with all the blessings God has for all of you!!!
