Thursday, May 7, 2015

Prayer request...

So, this is supposed to be my fun week (and I was having fun!!).  However, it seems that my body had other plans.  I've had a sore throat for a couple of weeks now, and I started having a pretty good cough yesterday (along with lots of congestion).  It's probably just a cold; but with my immune system being down, my oncologist wants to check it out.  He's ordered a lab work-up and chest x-ray, and I will be having both of those in the morning.  Since I have my next round of chemo this upcoming Monday, hopefully we can get everything addressed by then.  You can pray that things go smoothly, that my body fights whatever is going on quickly, and that we can proceed on Monday with my treatment.  Thank you so much for lifting us before the God who knows all things!!

1 comment:

  1. It is a privilege to be invited to pray for you. Love you!
    Stacey and the Mortons
