Friday, August 14, 2015

"And Give Him the Glory Great Things He Hath Done"

I've been recovering for a little over a week now from surgery, and I have to be's been so painful.  Between the mastectomy incisions, the axillary node biopsy, the drain insertions, and the tissue expanders, I'm never quite sure which part is hurting more!  We are still trying to figure out a combination of medications that makes it more comfortable, particularly through the night.  It WILL end (hopefully sooner, than later :)!!

However, we met with my surgeon this morning, and the news from my surgery could not be better.  I cannot believe I even get to write these words!  The pathology report showed NO cancer present in ANYTHING that was biopsied.  This means that both breasts, along with 10 lymph nodes that were removed on my left side contained not a trace of cancer when examined under the microscope, which is hands-down the BEST CASE scenario for my case!!  The left breast and lymph nodes contained "extensive stromal fibrosis with chronic inflammation...consistent with therapeutic effect," meaning my chemotherapy went in there and did EXACTLY what it was supposed to do to the cancer!  My risk of recurrence (local/regional and distant) is now significantly lower because there was a "complete pathological response" to the chemo.  My oncologist told me in the beginning that his goal was to get me cancer-free by surgery, and that's what he did!

We knew from the MRI I had back in June that the chemo had been working.  There were no longer any visible signs of the tumor on the scan.  However, it was still very possible that cancer cells were hiding amidst all of the calcifications, and they needed to remove those questionable areas in order to confirm a complete response to the treatment or not.  God has been so faithful through each step of this journey, and we knew He would continue to receive glory whether there were tears of joy or tears of sorrow with the results.  This time, we would be humbled and in awe that He saw fit to heal me.  Our surgeon nearly had tears right along with us and described this news as simply "awesome."

This was our ultimate desire, and we prayed desperately that cancer would be removed from my body.  But we knew this very easily could have gone the other way.  My tumor size, grade, type, and the fact that it had moved into my lymph system were risk factors that didn't weigh kindly in my favor.  Yet we rejoice in all that He has done and know that He continues to hold all of my days in His mighty hands.

This has been a tremendously difficult road to walk, and we are not quite at the finish line.  From everyone we have spoken with, there has been a consensus to still do radiation about 4-6 weeks from now.  Although there was no cancer on anything biopsied (which was in fact, awesome news!!), my surgeon still hesitated on calling me "cancer-free."  Because of the size of my original tumor and the fact that it had spread to lymph nodes, radiation will still likely be in the plan as one last means of battling the risk of recurrence in the lymph nodes, chest wall, or somewhere else distant.  We will know that decision once we meet again with the radiation oncologist.

We also need to complete my reconstruction, which if all goes well through radiation, should be finished about 3-6 months after my last radiation treatment.  The last little reminder of cancer will be my Herceptin infusion every 3 weeks until March 2016.  This is the targeted therapy component (for the Her2 positive status) of my chemotherapy regimen that they say has done most of the heavy lifting against my tumor.  Had I received my diagnosis 15-20 years ago, the outcome would have most likely been dreadfully different.  The chemo regimen I received (TCHP) is proving to be very successful in treating my type of cancer.

I will continue to post updates here as I progress towards the end of my treatments (there is a finish line that's almost in sight!).  Hopefully, normal life will resume sometime in the not so distant future :)  The Lord has opened my eyes to so many things through all of this, and my heart overflows with thankfulness...both for the works He has done and for the hands He has used to serve us.  These are the lyrics to a hymn that has been flowing through my mind this afternoon.  He has truly done great things...

To God, be the glory great things He hath done

So loved he the world that he gave us His Son

Who yielded His life our redemption to win,

And opened the life-gate that all may go in.


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,

Let the earth hear His voice,

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,

Let the people rejoice;

Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,

And give Him the glory, great things He hath done.

Oh, perfect redemption, the purchase of blood,

To every believer the promise of God;

The vilest offender who truly believes,

That moment from Jesus a pardon receives.


Great things He hath taught us, great things He hath done,

And great our rejoicing through Jesus the Son;

But purer and higher, and greater will be

Our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see.


(Fannie Crosby: 1820-1915)


  1. Praise Him indeed! Saying prayers of thankgiving! Thank you Jesus!

  2. Praise Him indeed! Saying prayers of thankgiving! Thank you Jesus!

  3. Chills. Tears. Jumping up and down praising Him!

  4. Chills. Tears. Jumping up and down praising Him!

  5. So happy to hear this news, Jen! We will continue to lift you up in prayer.

  6. Just know people you have never met are praying and rejoicing with you. Your light is shining brightly...praise the Lord. Will continue to pray for your pain to subside.

  7. God is good all the time! All the time, God is good!
