Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday

I just wanted to give a quick update and to post a few pictures from our Easter weekend.  Easter came quickly, and went almost as fast!!  I had the 2nd round of chemo on Monday (which went SO much better than the first!), so by Tuesday, the side effects began.  I think that the good thing about this round is that my body is more prepared for the effects.  For the first treatment, I went from feeling very healthy, to experiencing the shock of a very heavy dose of chemo for the first time. So the preparation of just knowing what is coming is definitely helpful.  Last time, the chemo seemed to begin making me feel bad within a day or so, and progressively got worse until about 8-10 days post-treatment (when my cell count was the lowest).  It was then that I started to climb back out of the fog until the 3rd week of my cycle, when I would start to feel better. Then, we repeat the cycle again.  It seems to be following that pattern this time as well, just without the complete shock to my system.  They also switched my anti-nausea medication to one that makes me less drowsy/foggy, which has been a definite improvement!

Things have been a bit of a zoo around here (which I intend to post about, but alas...the zoo is always calling :).  Typically this time of year, I would be planning little Easter crafts and treats, would shop for adorable Easter outfits and basket goodies, and make a playlist of my favorite Easter songs for us to listen to.  I would get books at the library, do our Resurrection eggs, and figure out all of the ways I could make Easter meaningful for my family. Don't forget that Easter morning kids still remember that it was blueberry cream cheese pockets last year :)

So here's how this year's Easter planning went in-laws provided Easter attire for the kids, and a friend picked up a few necessary items to round out the outfits; my mom brought me a cute Easter dress; my sister filled Easter eggs and bought items for our kids' Easter baskets (and some neighbors also dropped off baskets!); and a sweet woman from our church made us cinnamon rolls for our breakfast this morning.  I brought nothing to our Easter dinner except for my presence, and we didn't do any Easter crafts. I haven't been to the library in weeks, and our Resurrection eggs are in the still in the basement. There was certainly the temptation to feel completely useless in my role as a mom.   
But praise God, I was able to be at church worshiping today with my family, and I am so grateful for that.  In the midst of the chaos of our current days, we have an unshakable anchor in our Savior, Jesus Christ.  It is because of His death and resurrection that we have new life and the anticipation of an eternal inheritance.  I can rest, knowing that my future is secure because of the sacrifice that He made on the cross; and that it's by grace, I have been saved.  Below are the lyrics to a song that has comforted me through numerous nights, particularly after my initial diagnosis.  The band "Shane and Shane" has a fantastic version that I highly recommend (you can find it on Spotify too :).  I hope you experienced the rich, grace-filled blessings of this Easter...

How Deep the Father's Love for Us

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

Sisters :)

Robbins, Boone, and Skoog cousins ready for the Easter egg hunt!!


  1. Thank you for sharing, Jen. You continue to be in my prayers.

  2. God bless you Jen! Praying daily for you & your family.

  3. Thank you, Jen, for blogging. It helps us to know specifically how to pray for you and your family. And it's a joy to see how God is working in your life - even in this current trial. Love to you and yours <3

  4. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. I have a sister going through this also. Blessings to you

  5. Jennifer you look beautiful. You are an amazing Woman, Wife, Mother, Sister and Daughter but most importantly person of Faith. My daily prayer, " Dear Lord I want to praise you for creating such a beautiful inside and out person like Jennifer. I want to thank you Lord for carrying her through this hard time. I want to also thank you for giving her the strength to rid this cancer from her body Lord. Thank you for her amazing family and friends during this tough time. Let this strengthen them in will and Faith. Amen." We love you and pray for you daily and know in our heart of hearts this to will pass. The pain and suffering you are going through will make you an even stronger Christian and your testimony will help so many others. I love u!!!
