Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Half Way Point

**This post is actually from last night (Monday, April 20) and is written by Jen's husband, Bryan.**

I must start by apologizing upfront that this post will not be written nearly as eloquently as Jen's previous updates. She has such a gift to write what is on her heart and put it into words.  However, Jen was desperate enough after the long day of chemo to ask me to write about how the day went.

Jen first met with her doctor for her pre-infusion appointment. During this evaluation, Jen brought up that she has been experiencing heart palpitations. We were worried that this might have to do with one of the chemo drugs she is receiving. Although we don't know the cause for sure, the doctor felt that this could have more to do with her low levels of potassium. He scheduled for Jen to have an EKG and will monitor the situation for now. Overall, he was still very positive about her progress. Once her labs came back, he gave her the green light to receive her the full regiment of chemo treatment today.

Since the infusion was much less eventful last time, as compared to her first, I think both Jen and I went into the infusion room a little less nervous this time around. It still seems to be a long process, but I enjoy the time I get to spend with her. I was very grateful today that everything went well, and that there have been no major hiccups in Jen being able to stay the course with her treatment plan. We know that over the next couple of days Jen will start to feel the symptoms of the chemo treatment, and head into the chemo fog, as we like to call it. Please pray that during this time Jen's heart palpitations subside and that she would be able to eat and stay well hydrated.

We continue to trust in God each day to provide what we need, as we walk this path He has laid before us. Thank you to all of those who have been willing to be the hands and feet of God's love to us, and have chosen to walk this journey with us.

Here are a few pictures from our "date" to the chemo room...

We are so grateful for all of  the help Jen's mom provides.  She is wonderful!

All of the meds make for a sleepy Jen.


  1. Bryan it was very eloquent :) So glad to hear things are progressing well. Prayers are always coming your way.

  2. Continued prayers for you and your family, Jennifer. Even through harsh treatment and this unforgiving disease you still radiate beauty and love....just like I remember you as a little girl.

  3. Don't kid yourself Bryan, you write very well! So thankful for the positive way your whole family deals with this nasty C with such grace & calm that can only come from above. I will keep you all in my prayers.

  4. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. You are in our prayers.

  5. We continue to pray for you guys!
