Monday, June 22, 2015

Final Chemo (#6) Complete!!

Well, it's done!!  This part of the journey that began on March 9th wrapped up today, and I'm OH SO GRATEFUL!!  I will continue to receive one of my drugs at the infusion center on the same three week rotation through next March (one year total), but I won't have hardly any side effects from that one!

My mom and Bryan came with me again today, and my friend Emily joined us for a bit as well.  She even made some signs and 6 medals as a "reward" for each treatment (she's such a creative mom :)!!  It was a joyful, relieving, and humbling time, knowing that we've overcome a major hurdle in this road towards recovery!

Now, on to bouncing back from Chemo #6!  I'm feeling extremely fatigued this time already.  I've been having quite a bit of soreness through my back, arms, and legs for the past week.  I think it's due to the fact that Week 3 brings more energy, and I try so hard to take advantage of it!  Right after chemo today, the fatigue overwhelmed me and I slept for a good few hours.  The pain through my arms and legs is also more intense now.  You can pray for these things, as well as the strength to get through the recovery time from this final treatment.

We were only able to meet with my oncologist for a few quick minutes today, so that was a bit disappointing.  However, it was helpful to get a few of our questions answered.  Part of the confusion lies in the results of the mammogram.  Although our surgeon seemed to indicate that we wouldn't be doing any further testing before surgery, her office called on Friday to schedule an MRI.  We don't know if that was due to the radiologist further evaluating the mammogram or the fact that she and my oncologist had a conversation about it.  Either way, it makes sense to us to have more information prior to making a sound decision about the type of surgery to pursue.  An MRI will give us much more information than the mammogram, so hopefully we can feel more confident moving forward.  That will take place on July 1st; and as of now, I'm scheduled for a surgery date of July 14th.

We continue to covet your prayers, and we thank you for all you have done to serve us!  God is faithful, and we know that no matter what the questions in our minds may be, He is sovereign over each moment of this.  We are excited to see more ways that He chooses to use this to make us more like Christ and to reveal His glory!


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