Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Grateful for Grace #2

1.)  I am grateful that I felt strong enough yesterday to get out!  And where better to go than one of your favorite ice cream spots in the middle of the afternoon?!  My kids thought Grandma was joking when she told them to get their shoes on and that we were going to The Twist!  Such sweet summer bliss that was good for the soul :)

2.)  I'm grateful for God's beautiful, life-breathing, glory-revealing Word.  I saw this video yesterday, and it was so fantastic that I wanted to share it here.  The Bible is how we know our God.  And, "He satisfies us completely and forever with words, His words."  If you have the chance to watch this, you will be SO encouraged!

3.)  I'm grateful for the woman that God has given me the privilege of calling Mom.  When we found out the devastating news that I most likely had cancer, my mom's words to me were, "Jennifer, I will pick up every piece that falls for you."  She knew that my life before cancer was full...that raising these four precious children was a job that filled my plate each and every day.  She knew that I would need things like her wisdom, her endurance, and her kindness to aid me in this battle.  And not a piece has fallen :)  This amazing woman has helped keep this home running, has loved my kids so well, has carted them back and forth to camps, VBS, Kings Island, and the pool.  She's come to almost every doctor's appointment and chemo treatment and has made sure that I'm always comforted with clean sheets, medicine, and a Gatorade nearby.  My love and gratefulness for this woman could never be fully expressed with words.

1 comment:

  1. Jen, it is such a gift to see your beautiful face. Thank you for displaying the grace of Christ and for allowing those around you to see your confidence in Him, the one who sustains you.
