Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Chemo's Wrath, Decisions, and Bright Spots

Oh, friends...this chemo treatment.  I keep telling people that they must have put something different in this last dose because I am a mess!  Try as I may to get up and function like a normal human being, it's just not happening yet.  My biggest issues this round are terrible pain in my legs, and EXTREME fatigue/weakness.  Add that to the normal chemo gems of nausea, stomach/intestinal pain, and food aversions, and I'm quite the sight :)

While my family was at church on Sunday, I had the brilliant idea of venturing downstairs to get some breakfast.  By the time I finally made it back up the stairs, I knew I was in trouble.  I was having some other side effects as well (that I will simply spare you the details of :), and things were becoming unbearable.  My sister had stayed home from church with a sick little one, so I called her in my chemo fog to please come over before I passed out all alone.

Enter...bright spot number 1 :)  This sister of mine is a treasure that I simply don't deserve.  Since this ordeal began, she has loved me in unimaginably selfless ways.  From foot rubs and pedicures, to late night grocery drop offs and unlimited babysitting for my crew, this girl is ready and willing to do anything I could possibly need.  I'm not surprised, as this is how she loves.  When we were all living at home under one roof, she would regularly insist on doing my hair and makeup any time I had somewhere fancy (or not) to go.  Being 5 and 1/2 years younger, she's always lavished me with her carefree spontaneity and zest for all things fun!  As I've watched her become a mom of three beautiful children, she's poured out those same youthful qualities on her little ones, and I'm so proud of the graceful woman she's become.

As soon as she sensed trouble, she jumped in her car to tend to her sick sister.  We live about 10 minutes apart, and she made the drive in about 8 that morning :)  There have been moments going through chemo when I have felt so sad for the people caring for me.  It must be difficult seeing me struggle in such a helpless way, and I knew this morning would be rough.  But jumping right into the warzone is Belinda's way, and she confidently made some calls and got me stable.  The on-call oncologist recommended an emergency room visit, which between the ER germs and the discomfort of such a trip, we decided against.  Our friend who is an oncology nurse talked us through a game plan, and I began my assignment of conquering some serious dehydration with rest and lots and lots of Gatorade.

Monday welcomed a trip to the infusion center for some much needed fluids, and I'm hanging in there at the moment!  Enter...bright spots number 2 and 3.  My dear friend, Karen, drove me to get fluids again, and it's always so nice to have some uninterrupted time with her!  And Monday evening, two more friends came over to make us dinner, play games with my kids, and visit with me.  Yep...even in the chemo fog, there are those sparkles of joy that God uses to sustain my weary heart.

Tonight, I could use your prayers as we prepare for my MRI tomorrow afternoon.  Being trapped in loud, narrow tube for about 45 minutes is not really my cup of tea :)  But, this will hopefully give us more solid information in order to help make our decision regarding surgery.  My friend, Emily, who was also an oncology nurse before having babies, spent much of the day today with me going through questions.  Yet another bright spot...my husband's best friend from childhood is a cancer research doctor at Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York, so Emily and I talked through many of those questions with him by phone this afternoon.  We are trying to gather as much information as possible right now so that we can make an informed decision and so that I can have peace of mind going in to this surgery.  Hopefully the results of the MRI, as well as talking with some other doctors will be helpful for us in moving forward.

Thank you so much for your prayers.  We love you all so much!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4: 6-7)

1 comment:

  1. God bless, Belinda and your friends! They know that you would do the same for them if needed.
    May God grant you a peaceful, restful night and calmness during your MRI tomorrow. I am praying for you tonight and will continue my prayers all day tomorrow.
