Friday, June 12, 2015

Grateful for Grace #3

1.)  I'm grateful that my children were able to attend Vacation Bible School at our church this week.  Five days of fun, laughter, and most importantly, God's beautiful Word being poured out over them.  The adults and teens who served our children this week are amazing, and we are so blessed to be a part of a church that trains up our young people so well!  Not to mention that fact that each day our kids came home, it was "the best day they've ever had!!"

Sweet Hailey's class (she's right in the middle with the headband on).

A.J. giving it his all at Tug-o-War!!

The kids had their end of the week performance tonight!  Eli is in the yellow shirt on the left, and Landon is in the green-striped shirt on the right.  It was adorable!

2.)  I'm grateful for our front porch :)  Seriously, I will not know what to do if we ever move and don't have a front porch any longer (especially since it's where we eat most of our meals in the summertime!).  As a family, we've spent countless hours laughing, eating, watching the rain, reading and drinking hot cocoa with a blanket under the haven of our porch.  I've had quiet times long before my family wakes up, and Bryan and I have spent many a night dreaming of our future together on our porch.  It is simply wonderful.

3.)  I'm grateful that Week 3 is coming in my chemo cycle!  I feel like I'm rounding 3rd and am heading for home!!  I've been dragging this week, but I'm feeling like I'm on the upswing now.  I'm looking forward to a week with more energy, time with friends and family, and (Lord willing, hopefully my appetite cooperates!) some yummy food :)

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