Monday, June 1, 2015

Chemo #5 Complete!!

Chemo # 5 is in the books!  It was a fairly typical chemo day, although my usual nurse was on vacation and my mom needed to watch my kids today.  So it was just Bryan and I living it up in the chemo room :).  Two of my sweet friends also joined in for some of the party!  Love these girls so much and enjoyed their company!

The oncologist talked with us a little bit about next steps after chemo.  I've scheduled a pre-surgical appointment with Dr. Hernandez (my surgeon), and the two of them will work together to formulate a plan for surgery.  BRCA1 and BRCA2 test results revealed that I have no genetic mutation that caused the cancer, which was great news!  Had those results come back positive, the cancer would have likely returned and a double mastectomy would have been our definite course of action.  Now, it will depend more on scans and the surgeon's recommendations.  If it's determined that a lumpectomy will be successful, I will be doing radiation following the surgery.  With a mastectomy, radiation may possibly be avoided.  That will just depend on the results of the biopsies they do during surgery and any other scans that they perform.  I will know more details after my meeting with the surgeon on June 17th, but it's nice to have a bit of a view of what will soon be coming our way!

Thank you, again, so much for praying for us through this long journey!  Your endurance in walking faithfully beside us is encouraging me to keep the good fight as well!  Below is a quote that was included in our church bulletin yesterday.  Tears streamed down my face as I read it and thanked God for providing me that little glimpse of His great love for me....that He would give me such perfect words on a morning when I desperately needed His strength and provision.  Hopefully it will encourage you as well, whatever you may be facing!

"It is true I have a difficult task, but God is all-sufficient, to whose almighty protection I humbly commit myself.  I give to Him my soul and body to be disposed and worn out in His labours as He shall think meet.  I do hence resolve, by His lead a stricter life than ever, to give myself to prayer and the study of the Scriptures...God give me my health, if it be His blessed will...I give myself wholly to Him!"   (George Whitefield)

1 comment:

  1. I left my program at church yesterday and was very sad to have lost the Whitefield quote at the end of your post. Thank God it resonated with you too! Glad your chemo went well. Stay strong girl.
